The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164697   Message #3944203
Posted By: Jack Campin
15-Aug-18 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yay I got a moose permit for nome Alaska
Subject: RE: BS: Yay I got a moose permit for nome Alaska
Some facts about animal exploitation, including hunting. This seems to leave out some of what goes on in the UK and which is paralleled elsewhere: a figure in the news this week is that Scotland has 1% of the mountain hares it did 50 years ago, exterminated by big landowners to boost the population of birds they can charge people to kill.

Nobody needs to eat the species being hunted to extinction by American gun fetishists. They're not being hunted for food, the killers are some of the richest people in the world and they're doing it to satisfy their twisted lusts. Get your jollies by killing your fellow Americans if that's what turns you on - all life on the planet will thank you.