The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164703   Message #3944964
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Aug-18 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical abuse of kids: More Revelations
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical abuse of kids: More Revelations
"Is life in prison the only answer?"
It isn't any answer Joe, it's a combination of forcible suppression and revenge
Rather than helping sexual aberrations it adds to them
Until this whole affair is discussed in full and all possible causes examined by qualified people it will remain a major problem

I don't think the hierarchy of the Church is within a million miles of allowing that to happen - two much unwashed dirty linen
Meanwhile, the Church continues to fight to hold onto its old influence
They ahre clinging onto their grip on education and are opposing moves to outlaw the demanding of Baptismal certificates, despite the widespread shortages of schools.
The are still opposing the referendum result on same sex couples and the Pope (or his gofers) has made it clear that homesexuals are not welcome at his knees-up.
The Bishops have issued an edict that Church run hospitals should defy the law and refuse to carry our pregnancy terminations - this has, to some degree, spread to secular hospitals
The Church seems to be declaring war on the Government and the will of the Irish people
If only the Pope still had an army eh?