The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32124   Message #3945020
Posted By: Gutcher
19-Aug-18 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Child Owlet / Chylde Owlet
Subject: RE: Origin: Child Owlet / Chylde Owlet
Anent drawing by wild horses.
This appears in a ballad "The Lord Of Morton"
The verse being:--

Gar fetch tae me those twa wild staigs
Whilk gang on Oxenshaw
That ere I either eat or drink
I will his body draw.

A staig was a young unbroken horse.
The Lord of Morton was A Douglas.

A young lady, a graduate of the traditional music course in Glasgow, has, I understand, done a rewrite of this old ballad. Pupils of the said course being encouraged to rewright tunes, songs and ballads in order to lay a claim for copyright on their new productions, not a practice to be encouraged, as anyone comparing the new with the old, I am sure, will agree.