The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164722 Message #3945291
Posted By: BobL
21-Aug-18 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: wish they'd not advertise funeral plans
Subject: RE: BS: wish they'd not advertise funeral plans
Some years ago I had some worrying symptoms, which gave me cause to think seriously about what I like to call my endgame strategy. Fortunately they weren't what I'd feared they might be, but I ended up feeling that I'd looked death in the face from a safe distance, and was a better person as a result.
I've arranged to donate my body for medical use if possible, so may be having a memorial service rather than a funeral as such. Details (e.g. all Morris persons to wear full kit) are on computer - with multiple backups - for my executor, and they get edited now and again as ideas crystallize.
Meanwhile, the junk mail I receive includes car insurance offers - they haven't done their homework, I stopped driving five years ago - catalogues from optimistic mail order firms and appeals from charities I've never heard of, but thankfully, not such potentially depressing items as those the OP complains of.