The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164711   Message #3945294
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Aug-18 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: UK Folk Revival 2018
Subject: RE: UK Folk Revival 2018
"No one has 'destroyed' folk. "#
THen where is it?
We are told by Dave and have been in the past that it is no longer relevant and we have to "keep up with the times"
You can'r be both right
DEspite you claims and protests, the number of people now involved in genuine folk song has shrunk to a dogged few
The term "folk" has been used as a cultural dustbin to cover anything any individual chooses it to cover
You can't plan a night out on that basis, let alone discuss it intelligently
When thousands of folk enthusiasts walked away from the scene we were not replaced by enthusiasts for the "new" folk because there was no identifiable genre to be identified
I've just dug out Sail Pattern - the type of 'fplk rendition' we used to indulge in after a night at the pub - totally lacking in musical and narrative interpretation in a very strange accent
Sorry, if that's the best you can come up with I think my point is made
That is what I would regard as poor pop songs lacking the talent of Rod Stewart, who did similar things with folk songs

Calan - a mish-mash of over-amplified sounds - no reason not to like it but nothing to do with folk singing - as the veteran jazz musician said in 'Round Midnight' - their notes are fine but where's their story?"
If this is what passsses for folk - god help us all

"There is no "crowing"
"Long live the new order!"
If it waddles and quacks....
Maybe I should have said "quacking"
Sorry Dave - you really do disappoint
You've torn our music up by the roots and replaved it with second-rate pop as far as I can see
The performers that have been put up here are those who have obviously made it
Our folk song was never about that - it was about getting together regularly to enjoy it as a group
If your new stuff is what you want you can keep it
Where do you think Harry Cox or Jeannie Robertson or Sam Larner or The Stewarts would have fitted into all that unintelligible noise ?
Sad - sad - sad!!

The point of all pop-sounding music is that it has no continuum - it is as disposable as a cardboard coffee cup and has to be regularly replaced
'The Spanish Lady never did - she was ageless and eternal
That prevents it from being folk if nothing else