The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164722 Message #3945310
Posted By: Jos
21-Aug-18 - 05:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: wish they'd not advertise funeral plans
Subject: RE: BS: wish they'd not advertise funeral plans
6s 8d (a third of a pound) is what I used to pay for a record about 60 years ago.
I am amused by the advertisements for retirement homes including pictures of the clients they expect to attract - aged about 40, dressed in elegant clothes from the 1930s. When will they be more realistic and picture their intended couple dressed in mini skirts, flares or kaftans?
I have specified a cardboard coffin, and I would rather be buried (in a woodland plot), then if it later turns out that somebody might have bumped me off, they can dig me up and prove it.