The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164711   Message #3946898
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Aug-18 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: UK Folk Revival 2018
Subject: RE: UK Folk Revival 2018
"there's even a pigeon hole for Jim Carroll's narrow sub genre."
I think you'll fing you'd need an awfully big pigeon hole to fit in over a century's "sub-genre"
It becomes increasingly dishonest to describe the definition I am happy to be guided by as "Jim Carroll's" or a "sub-genre"
It is actually an internationally accepted way of describing 'The Songs of the People' which has prevailed since folk-song put in a general appearance and will remain the only one until somebody wins support for another one - no takers so far
'Horse Music' has always been a term of abuse so it doesn't count as a definition
By 1954 the tradition was dead in the water, so I suggest that those who keep mentioning "54" stop using it as a crutch
The only people who seem to find it in anyway useful are those who wish to use it for target practice
Jim Carroll