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Thread #164798   Message #3947906
Posted By: robomatic
03-Sep-18 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: The UK Labour Party and Antisemitism.
Subject: RE: BS: The UK Labour Party and Antisemitism.
I saw this article about a week or so ago and considered bringing it into the discussion, which, bless every one of you, appears to be a discussion so far. I didn't want to resurrect a dormant thread or start a brand new one just over the article, but I think it fits here. If you have problems getting over the NYT paywall lemme know.

Especially with recent events to this very day the subject is topical and can draw comment from all sides. A lot of positions which seem to be very pro-Israel, such as the U.S. Administration cutting off U.S. money to the UN relief for Palestinians in Gaza.

There is a larger issue of whether or not to consider fourth generation Arabs as refugees which I think is valid. I am under the impression that a lot of UN money has gone to educating young Arab Palestinians that they are victims of the Jews. I'm sure they get that in their homes, but I've long felt the UN has no business financing them uncritically.

In an even larger sense I have doubts as to the integrity and intelligence of the current U.S. Administration, so I am wary of agreeing with them and I do NOT support them.

In a similar manner there are many Americans who appear to be pro-Israel who support them for anti-Semitic reasons. Specifically they expect the Jews in Israel to pave the way for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ with all the Jews either perishing or converting. Meanwhile, there are extremely anti-Zionist ultra-orthodox Jews living in Israel without participating in her defense. Is opposing them anti-Semitic? Is their opposition to Reform Jews anti-Semitic?

I am not trying to muddy the existing issue. Jeremy Corbyn sounds more partisan than fair-minded. I am trying to illustrate the extreme complexity of the issue.

The best thing the Arabs could do to end Israel's existence would be to establish peace across all borders, then sit back and wait.