The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32124   Message #3948241
Posted By: Gutcher
05-Sep-18 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Child Owlet / Chylde Owlet
Subject: RE: Origin: Child Owlet / Chylde Owlet
Hello Steve---see you are coming up to these parts in the new year. I will do a recy of the venue and if suitable for my restricted mobility would hope to meet up with you there.

You of course can spot an anonymous comment from me due to the grammar used, English not being my first language which explains the time taken to type my promised explanation of the link between Owlet/Howlet and the name Erskine, all from memory including any historical reference. When one is snedding {is that a word used in Yorkshire?} a very long oral story to extract the relavent parts and translating it with a thought to the, shall we say, wary acceptance of historians to anything handed down orally, it becomes a time consuming task--one which I will have to repeat.