The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164798   Message #3948248
Posted By: Jim Carroll
05-Sep-18 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: The UK Labour Party and Antisemitism.
Subject: RE: BS: The UK Labour Party and Antisemitism.
Incidentally Keith
You lied when you said Willsman admitted what he said was antisemitic

From your own link
The veteran leftwing activist Peter Willsman has spent most of his career in Labour politics, either sitting on the NEC or fighting to get on it, making him a well-known figure in party circles even if he is little known to the public.
Willsman was part of the Grassroots Alliance slate that humiliated Tony Blair at the height of his power in 1998, winning one of four spots on the party’s ruling body alongside the Islington barrister Liz Davies at the end of a bitterly fought campaign.
Even then, Willsman was described as a veteran figure, involved in the Bennite Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD), the fringe campaign that argued for a party conference accountable to members and mandatory reselection of MPs from as long ago as the 1970s.
He remains the secretary of CLPD, which was also once a stomping ground for Jon Lansman, the founder of Momentum. But the two men, both strong supporters of Jeremy Corbyn, are not thought to be close as they once were, as shown by Momentum’s decision to remove Willsman from its slate when he ran into controversy in July.
At the end of that month, Willsman was recorded as calling some Jews “Trump fanatics”, adding he would “not be lectured” by Jewish supporters of the US president “making up duff information without any evidence at all”, at an NEC meeting in July at which Corbyn was present.
Peter Willsman dismisses Labour antisemitism claims – audio
A recording was leaked to the Jewish Chronicle and his critics in the party were quick to pile in. Tom Watson, the party’s deputy leader, tweeted: “For the avoidance of doubt: Peter Willsman is and always has been a loud-mouthed bully. He disgusts me.”
A few days later Willsman apologised, saying he was >“of course aware of appalling instances of antisemitism in the party”, that he was “wholly determined to rooting it out of our movement” and that he would undertake equalities training.

Why do you do this - you always get found out?
Jim Carroll