The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164798   Message #3948326
Posted By: Iains
05-Sep-18 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: The UK Labour Party and Antisemitism.
Subject: RE: BS: The UK Labour Party and Antisemitism.
Repeatedly bringing up the subject of Wheatcroft betrays the lack of rational counter argument on here. Dragging up past threads achieves absolutely nothing in the way of advancing the discussion about the Labour party and antisemitism.
The most divisive event in British politics in decades(namely brexit)
is given the backfooting by Labour as they self destruct over a definition of antisemitism accepted in its entirety by 24 of the 28 EU nations.
The opposition party is a disgrace and led by a rudderless buffoon that lacks the nous to punch his way out of a very wet brown paper bag, while the lack lustre labour supporters argue over the minutiae of the wording and claim it is a ruse to replace Corbyn. Please keep on with your nonsensical arguments and keep Jeremy the patron saint of idiocy in command of your party. It could not be in a more useless set of hands. Meanwhile brexit comes ever closer.
I guess to prioritise is an alien concept for labour supporters.
Keep up the good work, you are ensuring st jeremy of the allotment will never make the bigtime in the west.