The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164798   Message #3948507
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Sep-18 - 07:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: The UK Labour Party and Antisemitism.
Subject: RE: BS: The UK Labour Party and Antisemitism.
"I stand by my belief on Ians' comments on the word 'trope'."
I can't disagree with that - I nevr use the word and, as far as I can see, the only people who have used it here are those who I find 'on the other side' of my arguments - Keith inr#troduced it to the discussion and has twice directed 'An#ti semitic trope' at those he disagreed#s with.
It is as meaningless a term as 'Antisemitism' is becoming due to its constant misuse.

When I was born the Holocaust hadn't even begun - I was alive at the time it took place and when the perpetrators were tried
My family dought fascism before and after the war - some of them suffered punishment and imprisonment for doing so.
My uncle, a regular soldier and decorated war hero was punished by the army for refusing to go and train fascist troops in Greece during the Greek Civil War.
The same regular soldier was stationed in Palestine when the British left Palestine
Israel has been a par of my consciousness throughout my sentient life - as an unqualified supporter, and later, as its politics swung further and further towards the right, a qualified one.
Now I'm getting on in years, hardly a day passes when I don't think with pride and respect of the part played by members of my family in the fight against racism and sectarianism

I have been called an anti-semite by five people on this forum, by Bearded Bruce, Bobad, Keith, Iains and Robomatic - all of the (sometimes extreme) right
The Party in which I place a great deal of hope for the future of British Politics, The (socialist inclined) Labour Party has been accused of the same thing
I am demanding that such accusations be qualified - If I, Corbyn, Dave, Steve are antisemites, what exactly are we guilty of ?
If no reply is forthcoming, these discussions have become no more than soapboxes for right wing politics   
This disucussions have now become re-runs of kafka's 'The Trial', where the prosecution refuses to tell the accused what he is being accused of.

We really need to move away from blogs and opinions and begin to discuss what is actually happening in the world today - the frightening rise in real antisemitism is very much a part of that, but only a part.
Jim Carroll