The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164798   Message #3948582
Posted By: robomatic
06-Sep-18 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: The UK Labour Party and Antisemitism.
Subject: RE: BS: The UK Labour Party and Antisemitism.
Damn, Jim Carroll, DTG, Iaians, Steve Shaw, KarenH, you've been goin' all night. I'm still getting around my morning espresso! Love what you've done with the thread, you've gone intense but not too vituperative. In fact, I was the one who went vituperative. Sorry about that JC.

JC: I'm actually pretty ignorant of your Labour/ Conservative issues so I've held off saying anything and I think I've said as much. I'm only speaking to comments positions that Corbyn has taken regarding mideast issues. I feel safe with that but as regards National Front and other UK issues I know better than to pretend I've got background which I don't. Wish you felt the same regarding Israel.

As for the UK being welcoming of all races and creeds. That is a recent phenomenon. (Recent for the UK means last 200 years. Recent for Americans means after last lunch). Jews enjoyed exile from King John until Oliver Cromwell. Catholics were on again, off again, way way off, slightly on, half on, we'll marry them but they must convert on. Jamaicans were on, then on? (and so on).

As for the focus of rising antisemitism, it is not all from the right. I writ elsewhere that AS is a complicated thing. But one simple to understand item is, unfortunately a lot of endemic AS by Muslims, some from the Qu'ran, some from the Hadith (sayings not in the Qu'ran but attributed to the Prophet and those around him), and some that gets blended with anti-Israel sentiments. Now that there are more Muslims penetrating the West, it is showing up everywhere. And not that more Muslims are showing up in American politics, it is showing up there as well. Since Democrats are trying harder than Reps for new voters, it is seaping in America from the left. UK mileage may vary. Fact of life. Better to face up to it now. American Jews are still overwhelmingly Democratic and on many fronts are engaging with American Muslims positively. There is actually more to American life than Israel, and most Muslim problems are from other Muslims.

Oh, one more time. . . trope!