The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164834   Message #3950565
Posted By: Iains
15-Sep-18 - 03:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Let's reclaim the centre ground!
Subject: RE: BS: Let's reclaim the centre ground!
Like brexiteers, many others in europe want to rein back the creeping federalism agenda of the EU. Of course the trendy blowhards of the left like to pretend this growing number of dissenters are aberrations and like to hide the reality by labeling them as racists, fascists, stupid, or any other gormless epithet that springs to mind.
Far more of a danger to peace is the loopy left, having had past members such as Foot on the payroll of the KGB (as a spy or useful idiot is as yet uncertain), Not forgetting VCorbyn is being investigated by the CPS for hate crime.
Not forgetting of course, additional lunacy by corby's clots, as shown below:
"Corbyn ally tells British workers to launch a 'luxury Communist revolution' where jobs would be abolished thanks to robots

    MP Chris Williamson said it was time to reward the hard work of ordinary people
    He urged them to make Jeremy Corbyn PM to achieve 'luxury Communism'

As the saying goes: They walk amongst us!"