The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159270   Message #3953099
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Sep-18 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: DTStudy: King John and the Bishop (Child #45)
Subject: RE: DTStudy: King John and the Bishop (Child #45)
Just working on this ballad - woke up thinking about it this morning
I thought there might have been traces of an Irish version to put in my Irish Child Ballads project but I can't find one
We recorded a story from a Clare singer which is a tale version, the storyteller called it 'King William, the Priest and the Fool'
We have two such stories relating to songs, the other being, 'Get up and Bar the Door'
I intend including song versions of the tales to illustrate the connection between the two genres
The two best traditional versions of 'Bishop of Canterbury appear to be Elmer George's one recorded by Helen Hartness Flanders (New England)   and Ward H Ford's (California)
Both are accessible for listening on line
Jim Carroll