The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164954   Message #3953354
Posted By: apazo
28-Sep-18 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Translation of Hallelujah by The Isaacs
Subject: Lyr Req: Translation of Hallelujah by The Isaacs

Most grateful if someone could translate these non English verses of this song, Hallelujah by The Isaacs, for me please. Thank you.

The Isaacs Hallelujah Lyrics

Halleluja, la o lam
Halleluja, ya shi ru ku lam
Be mi la a hat bo de da
Ha lev ma le ba ha mon to da
Ve ho lem gam hu ei ze o lam nif la

Halleluja, im ha shir
Halleluja, al yom she me ir
Halleluja, al ma she ha ya, ya
U ma she od lo ha ya, Halleluja

Halleluja, im ha shir
Halleluja, al yom she me ir
Halleluja, al ma she ha ya, ya
U ma she od lo ha ya, Halleluja