The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164955   Message #3953454
Posted By: Backwoodsman
28-Sep-18 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: Ethical question about ripping CDs
Subject: RE: Ethical question about ripping CDs
"I think artists with a "how dare you listen to my music without paying for it..." mindset
are doomed to probable obscurity and a life of bitterness.."

Well I'm not sure that's what people are saying here (I'm certainly not). People frequently listen to my music with out paying me for it - I perform regularly at folk clubs, open-mics etc., and do support spots for pro musicians, many times with no payment - no complaint, I thoroughly enjoy the 'live' stuff, and I give my time and talents, such as they are, freely for nothing more than the satisfaction of knowing peoople have enjoyed what I do. Apart from a gallon or two of diesel, a couple of Diet Cokes, and my time (most of which I also get to listen to other performers for nothing) it's cost me nothing. And 'listening to my music' in those circumstances is a transient thing - they hear it, then it's gone for ever into the ether - they only 'own' a memory.

But a CD is a different kettle of fish. It's involved a great deal of hard work in the making, and has cost me (and others if it's a joint effort, a band CD for instance) a substantial amount of money in terms of studio time, artwork, MCPS/PRS Royalties (for using other writers' material) and duplication/pressing costs, and it's a permanent thing - they 'own' my music for as long as the CD physically exists. Therefore I feel perfectly justified in expecting anyone taking away one of those CDs to contribute towards the production costs, and reward me for the music on it.

I've never expected to make a living from music, and I haven't been disappointed! But I think, where the production of recorded material is concerned, it's reasonable to expect a return on investment.

The usual disclaimers apply - IMHO, YMMV.