The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126718   Message #3954516
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
03-Oct-18 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: Nick Drake - hype and reality
Subject: RE: Nick Drake - hype and reality
My God!

What a horrifying thread!

I love Nick Drake's work. I didn't always. I was travelling along in my car abut five or six years back. Riverman came on the radio - a cover version by a German jazz orchestra. About a month later, I was doing a gig at an open air market. There was a bookstall , the only book of any possible interest was Trevor Dann's biography. Just skimmimg through, I could see Nick must have been in the same room as me at the same gigs, back in 1960's. I never knew him, and had I heard his music - I wouldn't have got it, back then.

But in about three weeks from reading the book I was a completist. The three albums seem to me a wonderful life's work.

Yes I think he was influenced by the poet's he came across in his studies. I hear Houseman somewhere between these lines and the guitar is deceptively simple, but utter perfection.