The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164987   Message #3954728
Posted By: Joe Offer
04-Oct-18 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Catholic bigotry in the Sistine Chapel
Subject: RE: BS: Catholic bigotry in the Sistine Chapel
I don't remember there being a restriction on photos in the Sistine Chapel. Maybe that's a relatively new restriction - perhaps brought about by the annoyance of selfie sticks? It really is annoying to have those things waving around. I worry about getting impaled...and they sure get in the way of us "legitimate" photographers. I suppose the photo restrictions are a response to the few photographers who get obnoxious, and the other idiots who don't know how to turn off their flash. I take my photos quickly and move on, but often I'll see a crowd of people waiting forever for some guy to get a photo of his wife in perfect focus in front of some work of art.

I sometimes got stopped taking photos in temples in Egypt, but I suspect that was just a way of collecting bribes. Bribes are a way of life in Egypt.

I've always been fond of the San Damiano Crucifix, an icon that is also a crucifix. I thought it was in the church at San Damiano, where St. Francis prayed before it, and I never got the chance to go there. I recently found out it is in the Basilica of St. Clare in Assisi. I've been to Assisi twice, but never inside the Basilica. So, I asked a friend to get me a photo when she was there this week. She found out photos weren't allowed, but she got me a couple good photos anyhow.

Things were pretty wild in a lot of churches we visited in Israel last December. We were in a group of 200 (often split into 4 or 5 parts), led by a Filipino-American priest. The priest asked me to sing something every time we went into a church, and then he'd lead a quick prayer and give a blessing. I usually sang Taize chants, or something in Gregorian chant. It was amazing how people quieted down as soon as I began singing, and they often sang along. And it was nice to have a few moments of quiet in each place, not disturbed by selfie-takers. And I loved the chance to test out the acoustics in all those beautiful places.

So, was I out of line?
