The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165019   Message #3956068
Posted By: The Sandman
11-Oct-18 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: The political leanings of Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: The political leanings of Mudcat
I know this may be controversial but can those of a conservative (with a c of either case) nature accept that if their views are likely to clash with the general demeanour of the majority, then they are likely to create a conflict? I am not asking anyone not to do it, just to accept that their views may be at odds with most and that they are not likely to change anyone's minds. "
Neither are those on the left likely to change anyones minds, these stupid threads[ like this one] achieve nothing other than bringing mudcat into disrepute.
I happen to be on the left , i have no problem with right wing opinions being stated, i watch in dismay as people who i share political views with behave in a puerile and childish manner, it tends [imo] to discredit their arguments, people on this forum who indulge in this childish behaviour about politics need to exrcise slf discipline ,the moderators are volunteers, i am surprised the re is anyone who still wants to VOLUNTEER to be a moderator on this forum,