The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165099 Message #3957572
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
20-Oct-18 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: Is it still an old Martin?
Subject: RE: Is it still an old Martin?
Martins are built from high quality materials. But it used to be - that even though they were made of good materials - they needed your local luthier to set it up to ensure the best action, to make sure the the grooves on the nut were the right width, and that the pegs were seated correctly in their holes.
Also you had to go out and buy your own strap stud to go in the neck, and get the shop to do it for you.
Whereas the high end yamahas play pretty well straight out of the box. But this was the way last time I bought a new Martin D35 - things may have changed.