The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165099 Message #3957604
Posted By: GUEST,Ray
20-Oct-18 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: Is it still an old Martin?
Subject: RE: Is it still an old Martin?
As Will Fly predicted this is turning into a “best/favourite guitar” thread.
The last new Martin guitar I bought cost me £190 and they were difficult to get hold of. In my mind, Martin guitars has lost its way in recent years with all manner of model specs. and materials. Back it the day there were only half a dozen or so. (Are they still making the awful formica topped one?)
Whilst Martin has moved on, so have other builders and my first choice would no longer be Martin.
My main guitar is a Santa Cruz TR which is, in effect, a copy of a Martin (a very specific Martin owned by Tony Rice and previously Clarence White) Martin seemed to be so impressed with this model that they produced their own version. I have always been amused at the thought that Martin produced a Martin copy of a copy of a Martin!