The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165099 Message #3957677
Posted By: GUEST,Ray
21-Oct-18 - 08:26 AM
Thread Name: Is it still an old Martin?
Subject: RE: Is it still an old Martin?
Ultimately, it depends upon an inidvidual’s opinion of what sounds “better”.
The general consensus is that the materials used to builld old guitars - wood, hide glue and whatever the instrument is finished with - have changed in their chemical and phyiscal structure giving them a dryer more mellow sound.
Whether guitars built of laminated materials (plywood) or high pressure laminate (formica) tops and Richlite (highly compressed paper and phenolic resin) fingerboards will age in the same way remains to be seen.
If you’re going for one built with “modern” materials, buy one you like the sound of but don’t expect it’s sound to change/improve. Incidentally, my £190 Martin is just about to celebrate it’s 45th birthday.