The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165099 Message #3957715
Posted By: GUEST,Ray
21-Oct-18 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: Is it still an old Martin?
Subject: RE: Is it still an old Martin?
I think Martin also made some with HPL (Formica) tops and it was those I was thinking of.
Back and sides aren’t so important in sound production - although in mandolins a carved back adds a surprising amount to the overall sound.
The main problem with such materials is their repairability. A luthier friend of mine carefully spliced back together a 60s Martin which another friend fell on when he stupidly decided to ski to the local session with it on his back in a gig bag one snowy night. I doubt he would have ben able to get an HPL guitar repaired.
I shudder to think what different sort of hide glue Gibson was using between 1958 and 1960!!!!