The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165070   Message #3957890
Posted By: Bat Goddess
22-Oct-18 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: Broccoli Cornbread (and variants)
Subject: RE: Broccoli Cornbread (and variants)
I'm going to have to try this recipe as it sounds wonderful.

I like conventional cornbread, too -- my go-to recipe is the 1969 Betty Crocker cookbook. I've tried variations (bacon fat, bacon bits, jalapeno bits, etc.), but I'm most pleased with the straight recipe -- especially right out of the oven with butter and honey on a drizzly cold March morning. Yes, it's somewhat dry and crumbly...the butter melting into it and the honey cure that.

The Jiffy mix has more wheat flour in it and a slightly different texture (more "cake-like") than the recipe I use with cornmeal.
