The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165099   Message #3958815
Posted By: Will Fly
27-Oct-18 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: Is it still an old Martin?
Subject: RE: Is it still an old Martin?
Mmmm... I've got a 22 year old Lowden O-10c with mahogany back & sides and western red cedar top - gives huge volume, projection and clarity, with bass to match. The best I've ever owned in 55 years of playing.

I just think that every guitar - particularly hand-built instruments - have their own characteristics. Tonewoods are important, of course, but it doesn't mean that every bit of, say, Brazilian rosewood, is as good as any other. Grain, age, relationship of back to face, etc. - plus the skill of the luthier - all create unique instruments.