The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41161   Message #3960352
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Nov-18 - 03:01 AM
Thread Name: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
Subject: RE: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
Liverpool was teeming with 'antidotes' to 'The Sash' when I lived there
Most of tthe time it was a fairly friendly place to live, (football excluded), but on the 'Glorious Twelfth' it became a city divided
Where I worked, the lodge wold march down The Dock Road, and men who worked with each other throughout the year would fight
When the Sash was played, as each verse reached an end onlookers would sing out:
"And we'll hang John Knox on the barren rocks
With the sash his father wore".

A favorite joke was:
"Two flies crawling up a window frame; how do you tell which one was the Catholic?
The one who shit on the sash".

Back to normal next day, of course