The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164605   Message #3961309
Posted By: Jim Carroll
12-Nov-18 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: Brexit #2
Subject: RE: Brexit #2
"The consequences will not be known until after the event."
What a crass way to run a country - leap off the cliff - we won't know what happens until we hit th ground
The consequences are already being felt
Even the economists say that the damage will take at least twenty years to recover from the damage that is now being done
It was a crass narrow-minded decision taken on Xenophobic promises that will not and cannot be met
The first reactions made that obvious - the low-foreheads approaching those obviously not indigenous and asking them when they are going back to where they came from
Since then, racist incidents have spiralled upwards
It was a decision based on hate, economic and social consequences be damned
Maybe these people should be told something similar to:
"As you are disenfranchised I fail to see why you insist on contributing to UK political threads. With no vote to contribute, what are your opinions worth?"
Jim Carroll