The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3961619
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
14-Nov-18 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
This region will probably break annual records for rainfall; the good thing about now having freezing nights is that the grass isn't covered with dew when I take the dogs out the last thing. They can go on their own (dog door) but this trip out (with a treat in hand to assure 100% compliance) is to get the oldest dog out one last time. During the summer she was drinking so much water she was having incontinence problems overnight when she was sound asleep (she's also deaf, so noises don't wake her). She was sleeping on the tile floor at that time. That trip out works, and good thing, because I put the dog cover on the sofa last night (it is waterproof, but I don't want to test it with more than the occasional wet feet after a romp outside). They get to sleep on the furniture in the winter. Pepper was beside herself with joy at this development!

I rearranged things in my office and put the Amazon Fire stick on the television that is now recessed on a shelf by itself. Clearing old computer books from a different shelf meant I could move music books over there and this TV is now on it's own; it was standing on top of the record player part of my sound system, but I'm needing access to that again.

Another thing about bookshelves is that often things are stacked horizontally on top of the books. Some piles of those papers have been moved to my second desktop and I'm going through a few sheets at a time every time I walk past it. Slow but steady and most of the paper had logical and more orderly places to live, or into the recycle bin.

In the kitchen I just bagged a gallon of frozen hot peppers and the house smells herbal now as a whole bunch of basil dries on counters. This was brought in before that first hard frost. I have more things to cut up and freeze, and there is a box of tomatoes that are going to ripen slowly.

Charmion, your new community appears to be in the headlines now - HAL 9000 (Douglas Rain) was living and acting in your midst. He did a lifetime of good work, but it's nice to have a really iconic piece to hang it all on.