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Thread #164605   Message #3963252
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Nov-18 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: Brexit #2
Subject: RE: Brexit #2
"So tell me why he linked to a BBC program enabling Blair to spout his lefty rubbish about another referendum?"
I don't support Blair, which is, in fact "a rightie" war criminal who removed much of the left wing policies of the Labour party
I have said exactly why I believe there to be the need for a referendum without having to rely on the opinions of such people - in detail
I put up information, not opinions
To suggest the BBC is "left wing" is an indication of how far right your own opinions are - Atilla the Hun springs to mind
It would help if you specified why you regard information as "rubbish" - argument is far more convincibng as nake-calling dismissal
Fairly pointless attempting to justify Staines by saying he distrusts politicians - most people do, it indicates nothing
He is recognised widely as the spokesman of Right-wing toryism

"and on the other complain that 'illegal' donations swung the vote,presumably by enabling too much information. "
So you believe Russian money paid for "information" - what on earth brought on that little brainstorm ?
The money paid to a Ukip Supporter - its major donor - paid for Brexit propaganda - hardly information !!
What was missing was a prognosis of what might happen when Britain left Europe - the Independent (suppose that counts as "leftie") produced a magnificent article pointing out that THERE HAD BEEN NO PLAN FOR LEAVING, NO STUDY OF THE LIKELY EFFECTS OF DOING SO... NOTHING, UNTIL THE REFERENDUM HAD BEEN HELD - A TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE WAY FOR A GOVERNMENT TO ALLOW SUCH A VOTE TO TAKE PLACE
It was a deliberate use of populism by a now discredited leader of a now discredited party
The consequences of that populism was a sharp rise in racist incidents
May is now crowing about how Brexit will control immigration - not a single explanation of how her "better Britain" will be achieved.
Brexit played the same race card Powell was thrown out of his party for
Jim Carroll