The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164605   Message #3963531
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Nov-18 - 06:04 AM
Thread Name: Brexit #2
Subject: RE: Brexit #2
Racial violence and the Brexit state
Jon Burnett First Published April 4, 2017 Research Article

Research by the Institute of Race Relations into over one hundred incidents of racial violence reported in the mass media in the month after the EU referendum indicates that the ‘spike’ in such attacks has to be understood in terms of the racist climate created not just during the clearly nativist referendum debate, but also in the divisive policies and programmes of successive governments preceding it. The politicians and police chiefs, who have recently condemned the violence, analyse it in terms of already given media frameworks about ‘hate crime’: bigoted individuals are to blame; this is a law-and-order issue not a socially based problem – thus avoiding any responsibility for the creation of state racism. The research also reveals the central role of the police, at the expense of community groups’ or victims’ voices, when the media decides an attack is newsworthy.

"I will say again, the police do not have the power to prosecute."
The term "police prosecution" is common in our language usage - you are hising behind it because you are unable to answer the points made - jus as you are returning to your old abusive self in an attempt to talk down people - doesn't work
Of course my scribblings make no sense to a racist - very litle does to bears with very small brains
Flinging interminable blogs bty criminal bloggers is not debating

Lets see how you get on with the statement from the Institute for Race Relations - probably a 'leftie' extremist group

If you are good at debating - how about dealing with that one (denial doesn't count as debate)
Jim Carroll