The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164605   Message #3963574
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Nov-18 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: Brexit #2
Subject: RE: Brexit #2
Before Ian decides to make this an issue (he obviously has little else to offer)
I spend 99/9 hours a day at the computer - largely working on indexing, annotating and transcribing our very large collection of traditional music recordings - Mudcat is something I involve myself in when I need a breather and have time.
I have never had a spelling problem, nor one of grammar - I have written masses for lecturing and for publication.
I don't use a spellcheck very much, because I don't need to
I'm not particularly good at multi-tasking, nor am I adept at typing at speed
Add to this a keyboard that suits my sound editing, but is not one I would choose for writing
During my time here, I have noticed that some of the best contributions have come from people who are not particularly good at expressing themselves in writing, but who have something to say of importance - that's what public fora should should be about as far as I'm concerned
In life outside the Mudcat greenhouse, in my experience, some of the most articulate and often poetic people have come from the non or pre-literate communities, like the despised (by some here) Travellers - they also display far more humanity than many of the educated elite - evidence that education does not mean intelligence
The last person I would look to for literary criticism is one who believe the Irish live in bogs, who think those who can't vote should not be allowed to post and who rely in a semi-literate extremist for their political information
Nuff said on that particular subject, I think
Jim Carroll
"Perhaps our resident pedant can point out to little jimmie the difference between semantics and veracity. The poor lad seems to be struggling a little."
See what I mean??