The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30715   Message #396388
Posted By: Giac
12-Feb-01 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Hat racker rinky-dinky-doo
Subject: RE: Lyric Request - Hat racker rinky-dinky-doo
Thanks, Joe, you've solved a mystery for me.

We sang that song in elementary school in the 40s and 50s. Had forgotten the song, but over the years I've teased children about having food on their chin chowsers, never thinking about the origin of the phrase. And, now, there tis.

And, "bread basket" was an integral part of our language: "I'll punch you in the bread basket." Mustaches are (or were) commonly called soup strainers.

Reckon which came first, the song or the descriptions?