The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8079   Message #3965160
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
06-Dec-18 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: New words for the 12 days of Christmas
Subject: RE: New words for the 12 days of Christmas
The crucial words for Bill Barclay's alcoholic 12 days:

Twelve days of Christmas – Bill Barclay

1st day: wee heavy and a half pint
2nd day: two nips of gin
3rd day: three black and tans
4th day: four Babychams
5th day: five Happy Days (Daze?)
6th day: six Carlsberg specials
7th day: seven rum & cokes (or cum and rokes)
8th day: eight nips of whisky
9th day: nine vodka'n'limes
10th day: ten creme de menthes
11th day: eleven Blue Lagoons
12th day: twelve Alka Seltzers

And here are The McCalmans in fine voice: