The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24300   Message #3966350
Posted By: Senoufou
15-Dec-18 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: How many Mudcats have cats!?
Subject: RE: How many Mudcats have cats!?
SmokeyPokey has started doing what most elderly cats do, which is random yowling.

He yowls when he first sees me in the morning. ("Where the hell have you been eh?")

He yowls when he reckons it's time for a snack, even though he's just been fed. ("I'm starving to death here you idiot. Fetch food at ONCE!")

He yowls when we get ready to go out. ("Now where the hell are you two off to? Come back at once, I shall die here alone if you leave me!")

He yowls when he wants to join us on the bed in the early morning. ("Let me in there THIS MINUTE! Don't hog that lovely cosy duvet all to yourselves you pigs!")

And embarrassingly, he yowls when he's just used the litter tray. ("Tah dah! I've just done a superbly stinky poo for you to deal with! And I may have missed the litter tray slightly. Heh heh!")

My poor husband has taken to telling him "Eh boh dah!" which is F*** off! in Malinke. Luckily I don't think SmokeyPokey understands Malinke.