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Thread #164605   Message #3966535
Posted By: Steve Shaw
16-Dec-18 - 05:57 AM
Thread Name: Brexit #2
Subject: RE: Brexit #2
Nick Cohen, eh? Well you should be pleased that the Guardian embraces such a broad spectrum of columnists that people like Nick can be included. He's so right-wing that even Blair accused him of undermining him when New Labour was at the helm. Quite a bellicose-minded chap too. From wiki:

He was an advocate of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and a critic of the Stop the War Coalition. An opponent of what he has termed the "tyrannophile left"Cohen has criticised individuals such as Andrew Murray and George Galloway, while expressing his admiration for the opposition movements in countries such as Belarus. He called for Western military intervention in the Syrian Civil War. He also supported the NATO-led intervention in Libya to oust former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Cohen criticised Ecuador for granting political asylum to Julian Assange and called Ecuador a "petro-socialist authoritarian state".

Thing is, Iains, you throw scorn at the Guardian whenever you can, yet here you are cherrypicking a bit of stuff that feeds into your confirmation bias. Talk about giving yourself away. I have never liked Nick Cohen, along with several other Guardian columnists, but guess what, I still buy the paper. Unlike you I'm not constantly on the lookout for the succour of people whose views happen to chime with mine. No wonder you can't debate things. You never see things in the round because you only consider sources that you think you'll agree with. To employ common street parlance, you're sussed, mate.