The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164605   Message #3966682
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
16-Dec-18 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: Brexit #2
Subject: RE: Brexit #2
One of the most dishonest claims made by what is still referred to as "the government", though it has ceased to be an effective government, is that Theresa May is seeking "clarifications" about the withdrawal agreement. In reality what she is seeking is to find some form of words which might enable her to obscure and fudge the meaning of that agreement.

After the experience with the agreed backstop which was negotiated a year ago in order to enable negotiations to proceed, it is highly unlikely that the EU will agree to any such pseudo-"clarification". In the case of the backstop agreement the UK reinterpreted it, and misinterpreted it, so as to provide a cover for an attempt to back out of what they had agreed a year later.