The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138735   Message #3966945
Posted By: theleveller
18-Dec-18 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: Do purists really exist?
Subject: RE: Do purists really exist?
"Many use words to sing from" - Never used to be the case, that has crept in over the years, to now becoming accepted as being the norm. Again if you are going to sing in public have the decency to actually learn your material. or alternatively practise using wordsor printed material , so that like an actor you canm do a professional performance"

It's this sort of self-righteous, dogmatic attitude that drives people away from performing folk music. Certainly you should practice and try to attain the best performance you can, but having the words in front of you in case of a 'senior moment' can only be of benefit to the audience and shouldn't detract from the delivery. That's why every orchestra in the world and most professional choirs have the score in front of them. When I go to watch The Sixteen - probably the most sublime singing ensemble I've ever heard - they always sing from the score; to not do so would be considered totally unprofessional.

But, hey, Observer, you set out your list of rules and the rest of us can tell you, and all the other purists, where to stick them.