The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29213   Message #3967160
Posted By: GUEST,EuGene
18-Dec-18 - 11:48 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sarasponda (child's/Girl Scout song)
Subject: RE: Origins: Sarasponda (child's/Girl Scout song)
Golly, when I typed the notes to the Nickodemo song, they were over the words to which each note pertains, but when I entered the posting on here, they got shifted off to the left.

By the way, although the words "quannie onnie monnie monnie" all have 2 syllables, each is sung under a single Eb note.

Also, the refrain is sung with the Nickodemo and amo drawn out longer, but still taked the same length of time as each of the preceding stanzas.

Although shown in the key of E flat (because that's the key Clooney's "This Ole House" was in), it can be transposed to any other key one wishes.

With the first part being repeated, a 3-part round is possible. When the first group starts to repeat the first part, the second group can begin the song, then when the first group gets to the refrain, the third group can begin.

Subsequently the 3 groups may cycle through again until they all complete the song however many decided upon cycles each gtoup has completed.
