The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41797   Message #3969523
Posted By: Richard Mellish
03-Jan-19 - 04:52 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Transferring tape or vinyl to CD
Subject: RE: TECH: Transferring tape or vinyl to CD
I agree with Tony Rees's 02 Jan 19 - 03:47 AM post. My original rationale for using the DAT deck was that I presumed it to incorporate a good A-D converter. I don't know how good the A-D in my Tascam device is, but I would expect not bad as it is intended for live recordings.

Apropos the matter of getting down to the task; over the last few years I have got most of my DAT live recordings transferred to WAV files. I have also digitised a large proportion of my quarter-inch tapes, working from a Revox deck to either an internal but good-quality sound card or, latterly, an external one.

I've been put off dealing with the LPs by two considerations. One is that, when I had done one, I found a jumped groove in the digital copy. I would need either to put up with that happening occasionally or sit and listen to every LP. (But you might ask why I want them at all if I don't want to spend time listening to them.)

The other consideration is that, as Tony says, some of them will have been re-issued as CDs, taken from the original master tapes.