The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165486   Message #3970728
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
09-Jan-19 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Jenny Wren Bride
Subject: RE: Origins: Jenny Wren Bride
The following verse:

Now most of the church congregation
Was made up of Wrens on the dole
While in the back pew sat the six-inch gun's crew
And half of the standing patrol.

I originally heard and learned as

Now as for the congregation
It was made up of Wrens on the dole
While asleep in the back pew was the six-inch gun's crew
And half of the standing patrol.

The reference to "the six-inch gun's crew" ties the song to Portsmouth, as opposed to Devonport (Plymouth) or Chatham. The six-inch gun mentioned in the song was located in HMS Excellent (Royal Navy Gunnery School) and was used to train gunnery ratings in basic gun drills and by Weapons Articifers, and Weapons Armourers in more complex aspects of what to do, and how to deal with problems related to a naval gun. Probably all gone now as the role of the establishment has changed greatly since my time in the Navy.