The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165484   Message #3971177
Posted By: Crowhugger
11-Jan-19 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: Amos is ill (January 2019)
Subject: RE: Amos is ill (January 2019)
I am heartbroken to know that Amos is going through such a difficult stretch. Sending my love and wishes for an expedient rehab/recovery and an easy time normalizing after that.
I haven't mudcatted regularly in the last few years, but Amos is definitely a valued fellow 'catter I know well from when I was more active here. Especially I'm loving my recollection of various group-written stories. Amos has always been among those who add to the story while setting an example of how to build on and build up others' characters, settings and story lines without one-upmanship.
And song contests on current subjects, magic wordsmith.
A leader, sometimes obviously so, and more often with great subtlety.
So much more he's done over the years but these are his gifts to us that are still giving, in particular giving me a huge smile and cozy memories right now.