The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122194   Message #3971516
Posted By: Stanron
14-Jan-19 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: Tech: convert ABC to MusicXML?
Subject: RE: Tech: convert ABC to MusicXML?
Geoff the Duck wrote: Does anyone know of any method to convert ABC to MusicXML?
EastABC will load an ABC file and export a musicXML file.

Funnily enough I did it just this evening with the ABC file of Da Sockit Light in the Waltz Dilemma thread.I saved the file to the hard drive, opened it with EasyABC and exported it as an xml file. I then opened Musescore, loaded the xml file and saved it as a standard Musescore file. It can't have taken more than about five or ten minutes.

EasyABC should be free for Windows users.