The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608 Message #3971978
Posted By: JennieG
18-Jan-19 - 06:08 AM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
Hot......dangerously hot. Last night was the hottest ever recorded in parts of Australia, 35.9 deg in western N.S.W. Heat records are falling as we speak, and mutterings about "when is it too hot to safely work outside" are filling up news stories. This is the hottest weather for over 80 years, not a record we wish to set; we (indeed much of Australia) are suffering a run of daytime temps of over 40 deg.
It seems that night time temps are warming up at a greater rate than daytime temps, and that has health implications. People whose job requires them to be alert during the day are suffering from lack of restful sleep - and that is not good for society.