The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165581   Message #3973315
Posted By: Anne Neilson
24-Jan-19 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: Working on singing
Subject: RE: Working on singing
Interesting thread, Jim.

I sang until a few years ago, when I suffered considerable difficulties -- couldn't produce a consistent, tuneful tone and was often croaky and broken at the best. After lengthy investigations it was determined that silent acid reflux (giving none of the associated heartburn or indigestion pain) had damaged my vocal cords, which were bowed -- or, as we Glaswegians would say, bowly. (Think of knees that don't meet in the middle when you try to stand straight.)

Other things were going on in my life and I soon found that I had lost the joy I used to find in singing: what was the point when pitching was inconsistent, breathing was unreliable and I would have been embarrassed to attempt public sharing of songs I love?

However, I'm beginning to feel that I've turned a corner and I'd be pleased to learn any good advice from other Mudcatters.

After 60 years of singing and listening, I'm comfortable with phrasing, enunciation and interpretation -- but I'm needing to motivate myself to get back into the practice, especially since pitching is no longer a problem.
So I'd be delighted to pick up any hints that are offered, and to get myself back into training.