The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138137 Message #3973909
Posted By: GUEST,Riley O'Neil
29-Jan-19 - 02:55 AM
Thread Name: Casey's last ride - meaning?
Subject: RE: Casey's last ride - meaning?
Its newly 2019 and I moved to Chicago to go to school. I was riding the subway in the dead of winter (-20f, the coldest in recent history), and this song comes on. The version was a johnny cash version on an extended album. Safe to say that the song sent shivers down my spine as the atmosphere and mood matched mine perfectly. This song is a poetic masterpiece and is deserving of more fame. However, the lowkey nature of this song almost makes it more meaningful to the few K.K. and Cash fans who sing it from time to time. Ive never heard a song with such concrete imagery, and I'm happy that there is a community that has once (and hopefully will continue) discussed it.
We may never know Kristofferson's original image when writing the song. However, we all know what the song means to us, and that is the true meaning as far as I'm concerned.
This song is a microcosm of mankind's predicament in the modern ages. Alienation and loneliness are common and that stays true even in today's tech infested times. The man K.K. sings about, is ridged and beat down, this toughness makes the soft love melody even more piercing.
Humans are wired to love, and even in destitution we resort to fragments of memories, however melancholy.