The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165484   Message #3974277
Posted By: Janie
31-Jan-19 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: Amos is ill (January 2019)
Subject: RE: Amos is ill (January 2019)
Happy to share that after 5 long weeks in the hospital, Amos is going home tomorrow, 2/1/19!

He made very good progress in the rehab unit of the hospital, and still has a ways to go.

For the first week or so, there will be 24 hour custodial care, plus in-home speech, occupational and physical therapy.    The 24 hour care to begin with is cautionary. We think his progress will be even more rapid once he is home.

I predict he will again soon be singing again, and very hopeful he will again be able to play that guitar!

If you wish to follow his progress, both respect to the head injury and the cancer, best way to do that is on the Caring Bridge website. Below is a link to his page there.