The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165581   Message #3974316
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Feb-19 - 03:12 AM
Thread Name: Working on singing
Subject: RE: Working on singing
T have the recordings of the examples which I am happy to pass on - I have the whole evening session (a couple of hours of it
Maddeningly, Luke's actual performance was never recorded - in the early days of the group recording tape was in short supply so economising led to the actual performances not being recorded - just the discussion and work later that soon altered as the group got on its feet
I do have the scripts of the two talks we gave at the Ewan week-ends at Salford, (one on Ewan, the other on Water Pardon) - happy to pass them on, but we're off to Dublin (not in the green, of course) on Sunday and will not be back till Wednesday, so it will have to wait
I seem to remember a Muddcatter saying that they were at one of the talks
I deliberately put this up to give time for people to decide what they think of the method