The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165621   Message #3974785
Posted By: GUEST,Roderick A Warner
04-Feb-19 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: What Was Gained (McKendree Spring)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: McKendree Spring's 'What Was Lost'
I saw McKendree Spring supporting probably the last incarnation of the Velvet Underground with Doug Yule as sole surviving member at Acton Town Hall in November 1972. McKendree Spring were drummerless but had a spacey electric sound due to the electric violin of Michael Dreyfuss. They were very good, as I remember, folk rockish with an American edge and drive and a loose, improvisatory feel, not like the majority of their lumpy U.K. equivalents. As a hard core Velvets fan, I remember that this late version were pretty good, considering. A long time ago, of course... I do recall the climax of the evening when the call for encores was cut short by the archetypal jobsworth in uniform who said the show had to stop and power would be cut off as they were about to overrun. No rock and roll riot ensued as the audience submitted to the powers that be and politely filed out... Still, I was living in Stamford Brook, just down the road, so no great trek home...