The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165581   Message #3975156
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Feb-19 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: Working on singing
Subject: RE: Working on singing
We've just got back from Dublin where we heard some excellent singing in a club that was run by young singers - (at The Cobblestone in Smithfield)
Anybody there on the first Sunday of each month could do worse to give it a try.
Some months ago the GoilĂ­n stated meetings to enouurage wmen singers explore their voice - with some success from the sound of things

"Well, I think if you put your head above the parapet - someone will take a shot. "
Sorry Al - that sort of thing tends to get up my nose - it's difficult enough trying to introduce the idea of criticism into a music which is stlll fighting the 'near-enough-for-folksong approach that became a regular thing from singers who should no better
Will dig out some of the recordings I mentioned if anybody is interested